NoSQL vs SQL Databases

When it comes to structuring data for your application, whether mobile or web, two technologies come to mind: SQL and NoSQL databases.SQL databases have been around since the 1970s, while NoSQL databases have gained popularity only in the last decade. Both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific needs of the application. I will give a brief overview of the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases.

SQL Databases

Structured Query Language (SQL) databases are relational databases that organize data in tables with a fixed schema. The data is stored in rows and columns, and the relationships between tables are established using foreign keys. SQL databases use a structured approach to data management and provide a high level of data integrity and consistency.

Here is an example of a structured SQL schema:

Table: Customers

CustomerID (primary key)





Table: Orders

OrderID (primary key)




Table: OrderDetails

OrderDetailID (primary key)





Table: Products

ProductID (primary key)




In this example, the database has four tables: Customers, Orders, OrderDetails, and Products. The Customers table contains information about the store's customers, including their names, email addresses, and phone numbers. The Orders table contains information about orders placed by customers, including order date and total amount of the order. The OrderDetails table contains information about products ordered by customers, including product ID, quantity ordered, and unit price. Finally, the Products table contains information about products sold by the store, including product name, unit price, and the number of units in stock.

SQL databases are known for their strong ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance, which ensures that transactions are processed reliably and consistently. SQL databases have a mature ecosystem with well-defined standards, widely available tools, and established best practices.

However, SQL databases have some limitations. The rigid schema makes it difficult to accommodate changes in data structures, which can be time-consuming and costly. SQL databases may also have difficulty handling large amounts of unstructured data, such as images, videos, and social media posts.

NoSQL Databases

NoSQL databases, also known as non-relational databases, are designed to deal with large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data. NoSQL databases store data in a variety of formats, including key-value pairs, document-oriented, column-family, and graph databases. NoSQL databases are flexible, scalable, and can handle data in real-time.


Collection: Customers


"CustomerID": "123456",

"FirstName": "John",

"LastName": "Doe",

"Email": "",

"Phone": "555-1234",

"Addresses": [


"Street": "123 Main St",

"City": "New York",

"State": "NY",

"ZipCode": "10001"



"Street": "456 Elm St",

"City": "Los Angeles",

"State": "CA",

"ZipCode": "90001"




Collection: Orders


"OrderID": "789012",

"CustomerID": "123456",

"OrderDate": "2022-02-28T17:00:00Z",

"TotalAmount": 200.50,

"Products": [


"ProductID": "1001",

"ProductName": "iPhone 13",

"UnitPrice": 1000.00,

"Quantity": 1



"ProductID": "1002",

"ProductName": "AirPods Pro",

"UnitPrice": 250.50,

"Quantity": 2




In this example, the database uses a document-oriented approach to store the data. The Customers collection contains documents that represent customers, including their basic information and addresses. The Orders collection contains documents that represent orders, including order details and products ordered.

NoSQL databases are designed to provide high performance, availability, and scalability, which makes them ideal for big data applications. NoSQL databases can handle massive volumes of data and scale horizontally by adding more servers to the cluster. NoSQL databases can process complex queries and offer a flexible schema that allows for changes in data structures.

However, NoSQL databases do not provide the same level of data consistency and integrity as SQL databases. NoSQL databases may also have limited functionality for complex queries and data analysis.

SQL vs NoSQL Databases

SQL and NoSQL databases differ in several key ways. SQL databases use a structured approach to data management, while NoSQL databases are more flexible and unstructured. SQL databases have a fixed schema, while, in NoSQL databases, it is flexible. SQL databases are ACID-compliant, while NoSQL databases are not. SQL databases are better suited for transactional data, while NoSQL databases are a better choice for big data applications.

When choosing between SQL and NoSQL databases, it is important to consider the specific needs of the application. SQL databases are a good choice for applications that require high data integrity and consistency, while NoSQL databases are better for applications that require high scalability and flexibility.